How does Cambridge Xtreme look on my roof? A shingle drone video
Let’s cut to the chase: Cambridge Xtreme 9.5° looks great on your roof!
Check for yourself in the following shingle drone video.
Cambridge Xtreme 9.5° is the best choice when it comes to a perfect architectural shingles roof. This extreme roof shingle has it all: an exclusive architectural look and feel, an impressive minimum slope, a wide range of roof shapes, extreme safety for your house,..
Cambridge Xtreme 9.5° is the ideal roof solution for many projects. Whether you are planning to build a “simple” (residential) house or a more distinguished architectural building project like a modern mall or an exclusive hotel, this roof shingle serves each purpose.

Xtreme roof slope = 9,5° (!) right up to 90°
Until a while ago, roof shingles have only been recommended for roof slopes between a minimum of 15° and a maximum of 85°. Cambridge Xtreme 9.5° easily exceeds this minimum roof slope by more than an impressive 35%! Unlike other roofing materials, often limited to a minimum slope of 15°, Cambridge Xtreme 9.5° can be installed on roofs of 9,5° (!). As for the maximum slope, this top of the range self-adhesive shingle can even be applied on vertical walls! So Cambridge Xtreme 9.5° opens up a whole new universe of possibilities on sloped roofs: from as low as 9,5° (!) right up to 90°. No more limits for your architectural building projects!

Suitable for all roof shapes
This wide reach of roof slope also means that a lot of different roof shapes can be covered with Cambridge Xtreme 9.5°: from a simple gable roof to a classy mansard roof, from a garmel roof to a curved turret, from a dormer roof to a façade. Thanks to its maximum slope of 90°, you can even cover a wall with Cambridge Xtreme 9.5°, resulting in a unique style for your contemporary building project.

Impressive resistance to wind driven rain
Thanks to its self - adhesive character, this strong and durable shingle withstands the most severe wind driven rain. Cambridge Xtreme 9.5° was tested by the KIWA-BDA Institute Netherlands and exceeds the CEN/TR 15601:2012 norm. This norm stipulates a resistance to wind blowing at 47 km/h and rain falling with 89 mm/h. This is an extreme situation that occurs only once per 50 years in Europe (according to the BRE Institute). Cambridge Xtreme 9.5° even registered a perfect resistance to winds blowing at 61 km/h and rain falling with 120 mm/h. Safe to say that Cambridge Xtreme is the safe roofing choice when it comes to extreme weather situations.

Cambridge Xtreme 9,5° is the safest solution for any building project!
This impressive resistance and extreme slope aren’t the only reason why Cambridge Xtreme 9,5° is the best option for your building project. The bigger size of shingle (comparable with Cambridge Xpress) contributes to a fast installation and with its 7 natural colours it fits every roof style.