Cambridge Xpress

Cambridge Xpress
Together with Cambridge Xtreme 9,5°, Cambridge Xpress is the best option for your shingles roof. Both offer a perfect solution on new buildings and renovation projects. Cambridge Xpress is the biggest shingle in Europe, offering both European product quality and Canadian shingle know how.
Datum proizvodnje
Cambridge Xpress = the biggest laminated architectural shingle
Not to bother you with too much technical details, but the average laminated or architectural roof shingle offered on the market measures 1000 x 336 mm. With Cambridge Xpress IKO Shingles offers a laminated shingle with dimensions 1038 x 349 mm. This larger shingle size is more efficient as it means more coverage on your roof in faster time. Good news for roofers! Our Canadian IKO colleagues proved in a clear movie how easy and fast the shingles application becomes when using this larger IKO laminated architectural shingle.

Izračunajte koliko šindre i pribora trebate za sljedeći projekt!
Dimensional shingle in beautiful natural colours
Cambridge Xpress has a unique look and feel: it makes your house look a bit classical, somehow traditional but still contemporary. Thanks to its 8 natural colours Cambridge Xpress suits every home. These 8 colours are carefully designed with blends of granules. The original purpose of these granules is to protect the waterproof bitumen on your shingles. This protection could be guaranteed by other material as well, but only granules combine this protection with great esthetics. IKO coated granules are carefully blended to assure beautiful natural colours. These shingle granules are finished with a coating to prevent colour fading.

Perfect for all your architectural roofing projects!
But why limit the use to the roof of your house? Cambridge Xpress is also suitable for many of your other roof projects. Looking for roofing material for your guest house design, boathouse roof, stable roof construction, carport, gazebo or wood pool house? For these types of classy buildings, people often tend to choose (cedar) wood shakes. Wood shingles offer a certain charisma and authentic look. IKO laminated roof shingles can easily recreate this same look and feel at a high quality, but at economical price. The natural colored granules and the unique shape of the shingle make Cambridge Xpress the ideal roofing solution to grant your elegant house, stylish stable roof, extraordinary pool house roof or your chic guest house roof the exclusive look you’ve always wanted.

Match your hips and ridges in the same colour
Our classic shingles Superglass is offered in the same natural colours as Cambridge Xpress, so it can function as hips and ridges for your roof. This way we can assure your roof will be completed in one perfect, authentic colour and style.

Best choice for your new roof or re-roof project
Thanks to its big size (which is easy for installation), IKO’s longtime experience and the use of excellent components (like its fiberglass, granules and bitumen), Cambridge Xpress is the option for your roof! And with a total warranty of 25 years (of which 15 years platinum warranty), you are guaranteed to enjoy your roof for decades!
Vaše prednosti sa najučinkovitiiom laminiranom krovnom šindrom:
Veča pokrivenost nego sa bilo kojom standardnom krovnom šindrom.
Nova specijalna Cambridge Xpress linija za brzo postavljanje šindri.
Puno veća površina za ugradnju čavli je poznata kao “Cambridge Xpress Lane”
Za poboljšanje učvrščivanja sa čavlima poboljšane se preformanse šindre pogotovo na strmim krovovima.
Dostupna u 7 različitih tonova i suvremenih boja
Odlično riješenje za projekte sanacije…
...i za bilo kakve oblike krovova. Pokažite svoju individualnost!
Instrukcije za ugradnju:
Lagana ugradnja (za profesionalne krovpokrivaće):
- Baza je drvena ili betonska kosa ploča kao konstrukcija sa vodootpornom IKO podlogom.
- Postavite krovne šindre sa IKO čavlima.
- Potrebna količina čavala +/-35 kom/m². Krovne uvale, grebene i sljemena jednostavni su za postavit bez kupnje dodatnih drugih elemenata.
- Koristite Superglass 3TAB šindre za pokrivanje grebena i sljemena.
- Predvidite kvalitetnu izolaciju i dobru ventilaciju za optimalan i dugovječni krov koji će dugo potrajati i poboljšati energetsku učinkovitost.
Nadstrešnice, zidovi, dimnjaci, krovni prozori, itd. zahtjevaju metalne opšave.